show will end with cena and rock hugging and shaking hands, rock grabs cenas hand and raises it in the air..
the next night rock cuts a promo saying cena is the toughest competitor hes ever faced and has earned his respect
raw ends with rock and cena heading up the ramp into the backstage area holding hands
More than likely, Cena will win and Rock will raise his hand to a bunch of boos and a few golf claps...
only for Rock to rock bottom him :out of nowhere" to get some cheap heat from the crowd.
It's gonna be the greatest WM evar.
Nah for real, with the storyline setup that the have right now, the only way I can see this she being WM worthy is for Cena to turn heel Monday, heads The Shield and they bumrush every match during WM, leading up to Cena losing to The Rock.