im really not a fan of these out door shows, its hard to really hear crowd reaction.
Yeah that's always been a problem in stadiums, the sound just travels up out of the arena.
From my perspective being there in person
- The Opener, the crowd was into it, but nothing crazy.
- Ryback/Henry, crowd hated it, Very quiet, some boring chants in there. A decent pop when he got him up for the shell shock during the match.
- Hell No/ZiggyBigE, crowd was into this and especially when Bryan won. Crowd was heavy with the YES chant at the end.
-Jericho/Fandango, crowd was actually into this match.
- ADR/Swagger, crowd could not care less. Ziggler chant was more over than both guys in the ring
-Taker/Punk, by far the hottest crowd of the night. It was back and forth chants from early on.
-HHH/Taker, crowd was dead. There was very tiny pockets of "Boring" chants, but at the end it picked up a bit.
-Cena/Rock, crowd was really dead the first 10 minutes, the last 5 minutes it came alive