This is my next project. CSS3 Gradient Correct Application | XenForo Community
Not really looking forward to it but since it results in a huge performance boost I'm willing to do it.
Alright I've pretty much completed this project ^^^
I've monitored my slow shared server's resources since I implemented CS3 and have noticed a huge drop since I started using CSS3. Got CSS3 for the header, navigation, page background, subheaders and message title enhancement with png file gradients as backdrops. The forum node icons are now CSS and the logo is now a combination of HTML and CSS with shadow and sparkling glitter upon hover. Would like to replace the RSS icons and Create Thread Button with CSS eventually as well and I'll probably try touching up the thread listing display to look a lil like this later:
Graphic Design | Admin Extra
Whole point of using CSS3 was too figure out how to make a site Retina-Ready, which I believe mine mostly is by now. Since the resolution of monitors and mobile phones keep going up, image files are starting to look more blurry than ever. I experienced that when I looked at some sites last month when I went to Best Buy to check out the Macbook Pro w/ Retina. Speaking of mobile phones, the special font type I used for the logo doesn't show up on my Android so I gotta research that next. Typography is a whole other subject on it's own.
Here are some resources I used that helped me complete this project.
50 Extremely Useful And Powerful CSS Tools | Smashing Coding
50 Useful Design Tools For Beautiful Web Typography | Smashing Magazine