Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
honestly she reminds me of the female version of kawhi,

even her youtube channel

17 videos in the past 2 years

she does the bare minimum needed to be "out there"

And the thing is that she doesn’t have to be hands on with the shyt. Have someone else handle it. Look at Cole Hocker and Cooper Teare.

They are new on the scene and stared New Gen track and field with a couple of their friends. Cooper and Coke left Oregon, turned pro and are literally on some track and field CAC Desus & Mero shyt with a YouTube channel that all of these young runners are rocking with. They put out a ton of content, training videos, chill with pros and do collabs with every shoe company.

The brand is theirs but they’re aren’t all up in the videos like Puff because they gotta focus on competing. Their people from college do all the work and just make sure they have exclusive access to events and shyt the average person would never see.

And it’s working.

These cats and their team look beyond track events and aren’t waiting until their careers are over to build a brand. They are tapping into young talent that could very well be their competition in 2-5 years