The Official Toronto Discussion Thread


May 2, 2012
Toronto/ Jersey / ATL / LA / Panoramic Roofs
I've only heard bad things about Scotian blacks(and a bunch of first hand bad business experiences) but I think they have some of the baddest black women in the country bar none



Apr 30, 2012
The so-called Federation of Black Canadians has no formal bylaws, constitution, or public membership but you want us to support them by giving them money?
:dahell: I dont work for them, didnt donate a cent, and I didnt promote them. I just recognize that Desmond is a huge drama queen and creating a scandal where little exists. Why is this playing out in the Star and in social media? Who is his intended audience? It damn sure isnt the black community when he's airing this out through in the CBC and The Star.

As far as I can tell its an org that is in its infancy and has a lofty idea, that hasn't been developed well enough yet. The way he's covering this whole thing you'd thing this is some well primed political machine. The idea that lobbying the governing party is proof the whole idea was drawn up by PMO is laughable. This is simply turf-marking by folks who think that BLMTO is the only representative voice :manny:

Is the idea that McLeod has long-term designs on running federally or something? Or that he craves time with the powers to be? Thats the logical conclusion of his theory. McLeod has done much,much more for his community than the ivory tower activist clique both in terms of time and money.
Judge from the projects fights for the projects

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
:dahell: I dont work for them, didnt donate a cent, and I didnt promote them. I just recognize that Desmond is a huge drama queen and creating a scandal where little exists. Why is this playing out in the Star and in social media? Who is his intended audience? It damn sure isnt the black community when he's airing this out through in the CBC and The Star.

As far as I can tell its an org that is in its infancy and has a lofty idea, that hasn't been developed well enough yet. The way he's covering this whole thing you'd thing this is some well primed political machine. The idea that lobbying the governing party is proof the whole idea was drawn up by PMO is laughable. This is simply turf-marking by folks who think that BLMTO is the only representative voice :manny:

Is the idea that McLeod has long-term designs on running federally or something? Or that he craves time with the powers to be? Thats the logical conclusion of his theory. McLeod has done much,much more for his community than the ivory tower activist clique both in terms of time and money.
Judge from the projects fights for the projects

I think the proper response to criticisms about the organization are simple:
1) Have a functioning organization (ex. elections, a constitution...actual membership) that ACTUALLY involves Black people. Not just Black people who are connected to the Liberal Party of Canada
2) Don't create ethical concerns by having a sitting judge run the damn thing. That just tarnishes the ability of the organization to effectively operate without mud being slung at it
3) Don't ask for money when you've got nothing to show for it.


Apr 30, 2012
I think the proper response to criticisms about the organization are simple:
1) Have a functioning organization (ex. elections, a constitution...actual membership) that ACTUALLY involves Black people. Not just Black people who are connected to the Liberal Party of Canada
2) Don't create ethical concerns by having a sitting judge run the damn thing. That just tarnishes the ability of the organization to effectively operate without mud being slung at it
3) Don't ask for money when you've got nothing to show for it.
:mjgrin: So no comment on my question about Cole's audience? Do you think this is newsworthy enough to be covered like a earth-shattering scandal on his radio show, CBC, Toronto Star, and his social media platforms? If his audience is the black community why is he choosing that route?

I think the org has tons of work to do to become effective and meet its lofty goal of being a representative national black org. But a lot of their issues are similar to many associations in their infancy. What can be simply be attributed to inexperience, poor work, etc is being attributed to malicious covert intent by Cole. Its also not true that the org is made up of people solely connected to the Liberals, just do a google search of the public names on the site. Their site also seems to solicit public memberships. The judge isnt a card carrying political party member either, and the whole thing was his idea.

As as far as the donation thing, here's BLMTO's site: Donate – BLM – TO What do they need money for? Where is there constitution, bylaws, regulations, public consultations? :jbhmm: Waiting for the in-depth special investigation on this one.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
:mjgrin: So no comment on my question about Cole's audience? Do you think this is newsworthy enough to be covered like a earth-shattering scandal on his radio show, CBC, Toronto Star, and his social media platforms? If his audience is the black community why is he choosing that route?

I think the org has tons of work to do to become effective and meet its lofty goal of being a representative national black org. But a lot of their issues are similar to many associations in their infancy. What can be simply be attributed to inexperience, poor work, etc is being attributed to malicious covert intent by Cole. Its also not true that the org is made up of people solely connected to the Liberals, just do a google search of the public names on the site. Their site also seems to solicit public memberships. The judge isnt a card carrying political party member either, and the whole thing was his idea.

As as far as the donation thing, here's BLMTO's site: Donate – BLM – TO What do they need money for? Where is there constitution, bylaws, regulations, public consultations? :jbhmm: Waiting for the in-depth special investigation on this one.

A national organization which claims to represent over a million people shouldn't be criticized in national media if it's a scam?

BLM Toronto needs money for their Freedom School, among other things. However, I'm not a supporter of that organization so you can miss me with that false equivalency


Apr 30, 2012
A national organization which claims to represent over a million people shouldn't be criticized in national media if it's a scam?

BLM Toronto needs money for their Freedom School, among other things. However, I'm not a supporter of that organization so you can miss me with that false equivalency
I can read between the lines breh, I know your'e a sympathizer :mjgrin: Now you've escalated it from being a Liberal plant to a financial scheme.

The dude who did this for his community in his legal career is a c00n who set this org up to deliver Liberal votes and/or line his pockets :heh: The only real black advocates are PHD students :skip:

New Ontario Court Judge Says Appointment Confirms His Good Work - Pride News

• Successfully argued R v. Golden in the Supreme Court of Canada, 1999, intervening for the African Canadian Legal Clinic (ACLC). It was the case of a young Black man who was strip-searched in public by police officers who were looking for drugs. He argued that there was a violation of young Black males and the dignity that is associated with being male, a young Black male by having such search done in a public area. He argued that this was highly discriminatory against Black individuals and that any abuse of this would be so degrading to Black people that it should never be done. This resulted in the Supreme Court changing the process of how it is that people are searched. The searches were turned into levels with level three being a more intrusive search that could only be done in certain places, certain times after certain information has been garnered by the police. It was no longer a right of first instance.

He also argued the case R v. Hamilton and Mason which put a social context to the fact that many of the people that were bringing drugs into Canada were women who were disenfranchised, marginalized, poor, subsidized, single mothers. The court was putting them directly into jail without taking into effect how easy it was to sort of compromise these normally law abiding individuals and thrusting them into illegal activity.

The case, R v. Cunningham, looked at Black people coming into Canada from Jamaica on Flight 982. He did a survey which found out that Black people were elven times more likely to be stopped and searched at the airport than their White counterparts. He hired a social scientist from York University who put together a survey which involved over 400 passengers. The results ended up making the front page of the Toronto Star on the Sunday before the trial started on the Monday. The trial was subsequently resolved but McLeod thinks that this was, in large measure, due to the social science evidence.

• Successfully argued in 2009 R v. Douse (Brampton Superior Court), a case that had to do with non-conscious racism in the Canadian judicial context. Using scientific data put together by professor Brian Lowery of Stanford University and Scott Wortley of the University of Toronto questions were designed to examine whether or not persons had a bias.

The Odum of Ala Igbo

Hail Biafra!
Jan 16, 2014
The Republic of Biafra
I can read between the lines breh, I know your'e a sympathizer :mjgrin: Now you've escalated it from being a Liberal plant to a financial scheme.

The dude who did this for his community in his legal career is a c00n who set this org up to deliver Liberal votes and/or line his pockets :heh: The only real black advocates are PHD students :skip:

New Ontario Court Judge Says Appointment Confirms His Good Work - Pride News

• Successfully argued R v. Golden in the Supreme Court of Canada, 1999, intervening for the African Canadian Legal Clinic (ACLC). It was the case of a young Black man who was strip-searched in public by police officers who were looking for drugs. He argued that there was a violation of young Black males and the dignity that is associated with being male, a young Black male by having such search done in a public area. He argued that this was highly discriminatory against Black individuals and that any abuse of this would be so degrading to Black people that it should never be done. This resulted in the Supreme Court changing the process of how it is that people are searched. The searches were turned into levels with level three being a more intrusive search that could only be done in certain places, certain times after certain information has been garnered by the police. It was no longer a right of first instance.

He also argued the case R v. Hamilton and Mason which put a social context to the fact that many of the people that were bringing drugs into Canada were women who were disenfranchised, marginalized, poor, subsidized, single mothers. The court was putting them directly into jail without taking into effect how easy it was to sort of compromise these normally law abiding individuals and thrusting them into illegal activity.

The case, R v. Cunningham, looked at Black people coming into Canada from Jamaica on Flight 982. He did a survey which found out that Black people were elven times more likely to be stopped and searched at the airport than their White counterparts. He hired a social scientist from York University who put together a survey which involved over 400 passengers. The results ended up making the front page of the Toronto Star on the Sunday before the trial started on the Monday. The trial was subsequently resolved but McLeod thinks that this was, in large measure, due to the social science evidence.

• Successfully argued in 2009 R v. Douse (Brampton Superior Court), a case that had to do with non-conscious racism in the Canadian judicial context. Using scientific data put together by professor Brian Lowery of Stanford University and Scott Wortley of the University of Toronto questions were designed to examine whether or not persons had a bias.

Don't think I'm a sympathizer given the meddling I've seen Black Lives Matter caused after the killing of Abdirahman Abdi :francis:

Liberal scheme...they're roughly synonymous concepts :yeshrug:

The judge has done some good work in the past, but all individuals are capable of destroying their character in pursuit of selfish interests