I feel sorry for the legit refugees from war torn countries who came here and are struggling or those who did the process of immigrating legally and are struggling.
The government, these idiots just brought back the visas for mexicans after 20,000 came in and claimed refugee status in one year
Imposing visa restrictions on some Mexican nationals could save the Canadian government $6.6 billion over the next 10 years, newly published estimates suggest.
Still have not rescinded those who come on travel visas and then convert it to a work visa or straight denied the policy of international students claiming aslyum. The new scam is coming for a "conference" getting a visa then claiming aslyum at the border. You get 3,000 from the government and put in a hotel room for a few months and get a work visa. And the immigration and refugee board is so backed up it can take 1 to 2 years for your claim to be heard. By then you probably have a kid whose canadian and end up going nowhere.