Like I said I was working with this guy who came from nigeria a few years ago. He would tell me how in nigeria he lived in a gated community, had a driver, nanny for his child etc.
When he moved to canada all he could afford was a 1bdrm for 1800 this was like 2018, he had to take the bus to work and his wife had to get a job etc. After a year he moved to saskatchewan where he was paying 1200 for a 3bdrm townhouse.
Look how life is for us who are born and raised here with good jobs, now compare it to folks who are just coming here you gotta start from scratch. Even if you get a 80,90, 100k a year job if you're lucky. After taxes, pension, ei etc. you're bringing home like half. You'll probably never ever be able to buy a property, and you're paying like 2500 plus for rent, food is super expensive, car very expensive it gets dark at 5pm. Plus women in toronto are horrible
