That place has been shyt for years. Not a place we would want to send our clients.Was he messing with a co worker?
That place has been shyt for years. Not a place we would want to send our clients.Was he messing with a co worker?
word eh? what's a good city to move to if you have newborns and aging family members where healthcare is concerned?
Alberta and Saskatchewan ended vaccine passports and mask mandates
come on Ontario
the ball's in your court Trudeau,the clock is ticking & doing nothing isn't a solution
Its both actually, international border crossings and bridges are under federal jurisdiction. Both the RCMP/CBSA and OPP have a role.This is Fords job. He is the Ontario premiere, not Trudeau. This isn't federal issue, its provincial, and Ford abandoning his post just to make Trudeau look bad is the real problem. Its not Trudeau's job to deal with every problem that pops up.
Nah this is border crossing. Both Justin and Doug gotta address thisThis is Fords job. He is the Ontario premiere, not Trudeau. This isn't federal issue, its provincial, and Ford abandoning his post just to make Trudeau look bad is the real problem. Its not Trudeau's job to deal with every problem that pops up.