Question for you guys who want a all mandates dropped and everything returned to "normal"
How were your lives before COVID and all the mandates?
From reading
@TradePascalSiakam post it sounds like he has a dope job at at major hospital, bro likes to travel so I'm gonna assume his life was great. So I understand, where bros coming from. But you other, guys where are you coming from?
I know people who live with their mom's in community housing who have shyt jobs and are always complaining about jobs, I know people with kids who have roommates or live with their mom and complain about housing, childcare and things, I get It, people are living rough you know. and they wanna go back to that?
Let's be real, mandates suck no one wants them, Me included. If the govy is on the ropes like people are saying and Trudeau is hiding, I feel like the people can be asking for "better", but everyone is focusing on "normal"
I agree the people are allowed to protest, and it's good that people exercise their rights.
I don't want ya names or nothing, I'm just interested in knowing where your coming from? Did you grow up in the burbs/community? Did you have a sick job/just getting buy? Just wondering