Dec 18 2020 numbers exact same as dec 16 2021

Fam i'm KN95 masked up where ever i roam. don't leave home without it. My nikka it's on me, i said i swear it's on me covid mask strapped like i'm Tonyhttps://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.cp24.com/news/2020/12/18/1_5237201.html
Dec 18 2020 numbers exact same as dec 16 2021
this will be the new seasonal flu
Dec 18 2020 numbers exact same as dec 16 2021
this will be the new seasonal flu
Shut everything downthis new variant is mild but extremely contagious it is literally the flu
Shut everything down
But the cases!!! :yeah but the new data says it's not killing anyone or sending them to the hospital emergency room.
South African study finds Omicron more like flu | Toronto Sunyeah but the new data says it's not killing anyone or sending them to the hospital emergency room.
140 people in icu ..25 are fully vaccinated..its been like this since August 2021Adults are grown and can handle whatever comes their way.
But these incompetent fukks will shut down the schools again and fukk over our kids.
That is unforgivable. I hate it here.
Ontario needs 'immediate circuit breaker' to blunt spread of Omicron, modelling suggests
Ontario could see intensive care capacity reach unsustainable levels in January without an "immediate circuit breaker" to blunt the spread of Omicron, modelling suggests.
From today presser
Imagine paying the kind of taxes we all do and have an absolute trash for a health care system. A province of 14 million people and our hospitals can't handle more than a few hundred in ICU.
ontario has 80ish icu beds per 100,000,ppl
Norway 350 icu beds per 100 000 ppl
Population of norway 5.8 p
Ontario 14mill
I’m not disagreeing with that just stating Canadians can travel at the moment despite the advisory