Recovery will take 3 years
Probably till 2024
The longer the better i got a court case i need to beat.

Recovery will take 3 years
Probably till 2024
Is the bold part for real?Still got a decent way to go,
Masks everywhere still
Most dine in places close at 8 pm
No 24 hour food anywhere
Vaccine passports
Strip clubs still closed
Incoming mandatory vaccine mandates
Surgeries backed up for 3+ years still
Seems like 4 out of 5 black person deep in the conspiracy game.
While 95 percent of middle class canadian white suburbia is fully vaxxed up
i saw this on the news this morning, i was just in that plaza yesterday at about 8pm...crazy, my wife was wondering if it was an Indian since there are alot of indians in that area?wow the guy who was killed yesterday worked with me. Great guy this is madness. His sister also works in my department this is crazy. This is crazy and messed up.
Man killed in Scarborough shooting - CityNews Toronto
i saw this on the news this morning, i was just in that plaza yesterday at about 8pm...crazy, my wife was wondering if it was an Indian since there are alot of indians in that area?
smh....Nah it's a white guy in his 40s, he's a manager and dude was cool as hell. He has 4 kids as well
I work with his sister in our team of 6 she's the nicest white lady ever just saw her yesterday.
It's crazy just utterly crazy. You just go out to eat and some thug takes your life away
Still got a decent way to go,
Masks everywhere still
Most dine in places close at 8 pm
No 24 hour food anywhere
Vaccine passports
Strip clubs still closed
Incoming mandatory vaccine mandates
Surgeries backed up for 3+ years still
wow the guy who was killed yesterday worked with me. Great guy this is madness. His sister also works in my department this is crazy. This is crazy and messed up.
Man killed in Scarborough shooting - CityNews Toronto
Nah it's a white guy in his 40s, he's a manager and dude was cool as hell. He has 4 kids as well
I work with his sister in our team of 6 she's the nicest white lady ever just saw her yesterday.
It's crazy just utterly crazy. You just go out to eat and some thug takes your life away
Toronto still on track to becoming the new Gotham/Chiraq at a decent rate
Toronto aka the Canadian Capital of knocking of innocent people, ya' gotta love it!
*EDIT, almost 10 million views
theres no hope for the black people in this city ever again![]()
fukk around and get another covid shot talm bout opps we gave you the wrong jab...btw if any of you are in Scarborough/Malvern, the Shoppers at McLevin/Neilson are giving out flu shots early. I think they're not just giving it to 65+, but to everyone. My dad got his today and he's 60.
fukk around and get another covid shot talm bout opps we gave you the wrong jab...![]()