So we going into lockdown again whennits n officially fall?
Doesn't look like itSo we going into lockdown again whennits n officially fall?
Not happeningSo we going into lockdown again whennits n officially fall?
Go inside. City is on AvengersK time tonight, regent just got shot up with 3 hit, one critical. Just saw a forensics van at carribean hut at weston and finch
Huge protest downtown against vaccine passports and no news talking bout it funny
its amazing how people try to box anti vaxxers and those who are against vaccine passports together
everything been open for a while with no vacccine passport and its not like you hear of massive breakouts anywhere
just shut up and take more of our freedom people
You acting like we didn't have the opportunity to do the right thing without government intervention. Personally for some shyt you should have to be vaccinated. Freedom goes both ways.
look at thta turnout in edmonton
glad people are doing this
im against a vaccine passport of any kind
but we did
canada has one of the highest vaccination policies in the world
im going to london uk in a few days they didn't bring in the vaccination passport
vaccination passports are stupid except for international travel
you know what the biggest spread of covid is now? Kids going to school
its not people dining in at a restaurant, going to the mall etc.
Word...all people should think like that. If you want to get the vaccine more power to you, people should have the choice to get it or not to get it.