An interesting follow up conversation 20 years later.
A 1993 roundtable discussion on the current condition of the Black Community and the fight for Liberation. Featuring Derrick Bell, Elaine Brown, Stanley Crouch, Ralph Ellison, John Edgar Wideman, Patricia Williams and Kwame Ture.
Stanley Crouch was c00ning extra hard from the jump. Talking about how "Black Power" was bad for the Black Movement because it scared away white allies. Called Toure' a "race-baiter". Using c00nservative talking points we still hear today.
Some other great points.
"The of fate African-Americans is tied to America"
Derek Bell said some profound stuff starting from 12:36. How "equality" has left us in a worse position than we were pre-desegregation.
Talks about how whites use Bell's personal success to deny systematic racism.
That what Elaine Brown said at 5:30 would definitely not fly right now...we've interwoven black celebrity so much in our political movements that downplaying them would turn everybody off