Countdown to Armageddon
Put that gamertag up and join endless battles
I don't play on inferior systems.
Put that gamertag up and join endless battles
looks like 1337 at the moment
I may be able to get one going on PSN if I got a hold of the game.
How much coli-cash you got on that you'd win though,
looks like 1337 at the moment
Yes input lag so bad that they use all PS3's every year for the biggest fighting game tournament in the worldInput lag on on the Ps3
xbox online > Ps3 online
Yes input lag so bad that they use all PS3's every year for the biggest fighting game tournament in the world
and they play on ps3 when it actually matters, in tournamentsSSFIV input lag PS3 vs XBOX 360 - YouTube
looks like u been bamboozled. This is 09 news doggy.
All the REAL pros play xbox online
Yes input lag so bad that they use all PS3's every year for the biggest fighting game tournament in the world
You available right now triple agent?
PS3 stans
most of the coli/sohh plays on the ps3.
most of the coli/sohh plays on the ps3.