I talked to someone who was on helping with Hillary's security after one of the stories on Bill cheating broke. I can't remember if it was Monica or whatever, but he said she trashed her hotel room, broke damn near everything
aint nobody and i mean NOBODY can win a general election with a 73% unfavorable for women
I bet he will get a female running mate that's a minority. Like I said, he can turn that around in the general. Clinton has A LOT more dirt than Trump and is BEING INVESTIGATED.
I talked to someone who was on helping with Hillary's security after one of the stories on Bill cheating broke. I can't remember if it was Monica or whatever, but he said she trashed her hotel room, broke damn near everything
She's going down soon in one way or another soI said that before. I think he is gonna get a Black woman. I'm gonna assume for now Mia Love. I know she endorsed Rubio before and doesn't seem a fan of his but we all know how people change their opinions when they are told they have a chance to be a VP and be a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
See what i told you guys?this isn't rumors or shyt people made up. She has been a downright bytch and gotten away with it for years.
I bet he will get a female running mate that's a minority. Like I said, he can turn that around in the general. Clinton has A LOT more dirt than Trump and is BEING INVESTIGATED.
You Corporate Democrats disgust me at times.
like who ? mia love
a self hating c00n
come on breh - u sounding more n more delusional with ur hillary hate
She got fossil fuel lobbyists raising money for her though. Unleash the flutes on her, Bernie.
Wasn't there a book years ago that talked about how the Secret Service hated her and she was extremely disrespectful and a big time bytch? I'll never understand why nobody especially Trump brings that up.
If they both win the nom and somebody @s him, he most certainly will.
I bet he will get a female running mate that's a minority. Like I said, he can turn that around in the general. Clinton has A LOT more dirt than Trump and is BEING INVESTIGATED.
Washington Times said:Just as Hillary Rodham Clinton is preparing to launch her presidential campaign, a new behind-the-scenes book about life at the White House is providing a fresh look at her bitter fights with husband-President Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, including a bloody clash in the first couple’s bedroom.
“There was blood all over the president and first lady’s bed,” writes former White House reporter Kate Anderson Brower. “A member of the residence staff got a frantic call from the maid who found the mess. Someone needed to come quickly and inspect the damage. The blood was Bill Clinton‘s. The president had to get several stitches to his head.”
Washington Times said:“The Residence: Inside the Private World of The White House,” is due out Tuesday from publisher Harper, but excerpts began making the rounds Monday. Ms. Brower is a former reporter for Bloomberg News.
Stories circulated after the 1998 fight in the White House that Mrs. Clinton had brained her husband with a lamp in a fury over the revelations of his sexual affair with Miss Lewinsky, a White House intern. But according to the book, White Housestaff surmised that Mrs. Clinton hit her husband with one of the dozens of books that she kept on her bedside table.
Mr. Clinton “insisted that he’d hurt himself running into the bathroom door in the middle of the night,” Ms. Brower writes. “But not everyone was convinced. ‘We’re pretty sure she clocked him with a book,’ one worker said. … The incident came shortly after the president’s affair with a White House intern became public knowledge … And there were at least twenty books on the bedside table … including the Bible.”
Politico said:White House Florist Ronn Payne remembers one day during the Clinton presidency when he was coming up the service elevator with a cart to pick up old floral arrangements and saw two butlers gathered outside the West Sitting Hall listening in as the Clintons argued viciously with each other. The butlers motioned him over and put their fingers to their lips, telling him to be quiet. All of a sudden he heard the first lady bellow “goddamn b*stard!” at the president—and then he heard someone throw a heavy object across the room. The rumor among the staff was that she threw a lamp. The butlers, Payne said, were told to clean up the mess. In an interview with Barbara Walters, Mrs. Clinton made light of the story, which had made its way into the gossip columns. “I have a pretty good arm,” she said. “If I’d thrown a lamp at somebody, I think you would have known about it.”
Payne wasn’t surprised at the outburst. “You heard so much foul language” in the Clinton White House, he said. “When you’re somebody’s domestic, you know what’s going on."
No way. The 2012 map was going to be difficult for any Republican, but it's going to be damn near impossible for Trump. His negatives with women and Latinos will be too much. Plus he'll lose votes from moderates who will just stay home. That redneck vote only goes so far in the general.
Obama won with just 38% of the white vote.
You Corporate Democrats disgust me at times.