
God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
PSA for all bernie brehs and #nevertrump and lovers of fukkery who want to see shyt go down in cleveland

dont forget

#kset, we still outchea!



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Will Sanders Stay in the Race, or Will He Go?
A senior adviser reportedly said the campaign would “sit back and assess where we are” after upcoming primaries.


Brian Snyder / Reuters

After losing the New York state primary, Bernie Sanders will have to decide how the rest of the race should be run.

Hillary Clinton has long held a lead in the all-important competition for the delegates needed to secure the Democratic nomination. But before New York handed Clinton a victory, Sanders had been on a winning streak, securing seven consecutive victories in primary and caucus states. That allowed Sanders to claim momentum and quieted questions over how he expects to win and how long he will remain in the race.

Those questions have returned with a vengeance, and the campaign seems to be sending mixed messages as it works to respond. In an email to supporters on Wednesday, Sanders wrote, “We still have a path to the nomination, and our plan is to win the pledged delegates in this primary.” Sanders’s campaign manager, Jeff Weaver, projected confidence that the campaign will continue to pick up pledged delegates on MSNBC on Tuesday evening. But he also emphasized that the campaign will try to win over superdelegates, a group of influential party elites, even if Sanders trails Clinton in the pledged delegate count and the popular vote. “It’s going to be an election determined by the superdelegates,” Weaver said.

Why Are People So Obsessed With Ted Cruz Lookalikes?

Meanwhile, Sanders’s senior strategist, Tad Devine, told the AP that the campaign would need to “sit back and assess where we are” after the results of upcoming primary contests. Devine reportedly maintained that it would still be possible for Sanders to secure the nomination. But his wait-and-see tone seemed to signal uncertainty. It appeared to be the first hint of publicly expressed doubt on the part of the campaign over the fate of the race.

The longer Sanders stays in the race, the more time he has to preach his message of political revolution. If he fights all the way to the convention, Sanders may be able to extract concessions from Clinton and the Democratic Party, assuming Clinton ends up in position to receive the nomination. If Sanders drops out of the race before the convention, the delegates he has won would be free to move on to Clinton, and Sanders would risk losing the leverage he has worked so hard to win.

Still, Sanders’s ability to use that leverage could hinge on whether he can avoid alienating Clinton, the Democratic establishment, and liberal voters. Sanders hasexpressed a belief that he can win over superdelegates for some time. But his campaign seems to be putting a sharper point on that argument, effectively suggesting party elites can deliver the nomination to the Vermont senator.

MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki sketched out the following scenario for Weaver on Tuesday:

If June 7 comes and goes, and Hillary Clinton has won the pledged delegate count in the primaries, and she’s won the popular vote, there are going to be calls … for you, the Sanders campaign, to make a decision to unite around her. You’re saying instead of that, you will spend those months, those weeks in the summer, trying to flip superdelegates to Bernie Sanders before the convention.

“At this point, yes, absolutely,” Weaver replied. That argument clashes with the campaign’s argument that it represents the voice of the people, and could hurt Sanders’s standing with voters who love him precisely because he rails against a rigged system where political power brokers call the shots. It’s also a long-shot strategy considering that superdelegates typically side with whichever candidate has the most popular support at the end of primary-voting season.

Team Sanders has also shown an increased willingness to challenge the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign. The campaign raised the possibilityon Monday that Clinton and the party may have violated campaign-finance laws as a result of a joint-fundraising effort. The claim puts Sanders squarely at odds with the Democratic Party. It also feeds a negative public perception, often stoked by Republicans, that Clinton is willing to break the law to consolidate power, even though at least some campaign finance and election experts suggestthe fundraising was likely above board. The claim will certainly help Sanders gin up support from his followers. It could also help his campaign spotlight fundraising practices the senator believes should be illegal, even if they’re not illegal now.

Still, in publicly picking a fight with the Clinton campaign and the party, Sanders may be backing himself into a corner. If Sanders ends up convincing his supporters that his rival and her institutional backers are corrupt, it could be impossible for him to initiate conversations with Clinton and the rest of the establishment about the future of the party later on without damaging his own credibility.

Sanders has achieved far more in the Democratic primary race than nearly any political observer predicted. He has proven to the Democratic Party that a strong vein of populist support runs through it. He has inspired his followers to lay the groundwork for a political movement that will last far beyond the current election. He has shown that it is possible to shun super PACs and still bring in massive amounts of money from small-dollar donations. He has started to cultivate a new generation of political leaders who share his politics by fundraising for progressive candidates in less prominent races. But in the final stretches of the fight for the presidential nomination, the tone and tenor of the campaign may ultimately determine how effectively those gains are channeled.

How Sanders Could Hurt His Credibility by Staying in the U.S. Presidential Race


Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
Just wanted Trump to reach the finals so we can get that Hillary vs Trump debate poppin off. Been calling this match up since June of 2015 :blessed:
Trump's gameplan for Hillary is to make it as nasty as possible. He will bring up every scandal Hillary/bill has ever been linked to. The problem with trump is so many people within the party are against him, even the major republican news station(fox) don't really like him. If Hillary can keep it on the issues and let trump continue to stick his foot in his mouth then it's ballgame...

Hillary has said her and trump "aren't friends" but judging from all the pics of them in the past hugged up and trump has videos giving Hillary praise, it wouldn't shock me if he was a plant or atleast started off that way for Hillary.

I'm an independent in texas so my state is going red regardless so I tend to focus more on local and state races. I'm not in the Bernie or Hillary camp but I can think of a couple of posters on here who have FLOODED EVERY primary thread with posts of anti Hillary shyt instead of focusing of what Bernie hasn't done right like running a real grassroots campaign from the start.

It's almost like he started off thinking he had no chance in the beginning and then picked up steam and tried to change everything around. He hasn't raised money for the DNC and wasn't even a democrat before he decided to run. He did a lot of things wrong.

It was Hillary's to win this time around just as it was 8 years ago before she ran into the perfect candidate in barack who had to run damn near a flawless campaign against her who didn't have the black vote in the beginning and had to get superdelegates to switch just to get pass her.

Some of the dudes on here are very irrational and act like Hillary fukked them outta some money and slapped them with a chancleta or something... I wonder was their hate for Reagan and both bush's this strong??? OR is it just typical coli trolling with all the Bernie love and Hillary hate???
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
Trump's gameplan for Hillary is to make it as nasty as possible. He will bring up every scandal Hillary/bill has ever been linked to. The problem with trump is so many people within the party are against him, even the major republican news station(fox) don't really like him. If Hillary can keep it on the issues and let trump continue to stick his foot in his mouth then it's ballgame...

Hillary has said her and trump "aren't friends" but judging from all the pics of them in the past hugged up and trump has videos giving Hillary praise, it wouldn't shock me if he was a plant or atleast started off that way for Hillary.

I'm an independent in texas so my state is going red regardless so I tend to focus more on local and state races. I'm not in the Bernie or Hillary camp but I can think of a couple of posters who have flooded EVERY primary thread with anti Hillary shyt instead of focusing of what Bernie hasn't done like running a real grassroots campaign from the start.

It's almost like he started off thinking he had no chance in the beginning and then picked up steam and tried to change everything around. He hasn't raised money for the DNC and wasn't even a democrat before he decided to run. He did a lot of things wrong.

It was Hillary's to win this time around just as it was 8 years ago before she ran into the perfect candidate in barack who had to run damn near a flawless campaign against her who didn't have the black vote in the beginning and had to get superdelegates to switch just to get pass her.

Some of the dudes on here are very irrational and act Hillary fukked them outta some money and slapped them with a chancleta or something... I wonder was their hate for Reagan and both bush's this strong??? OR is it just typical coli trolling with all the Bernie love and Hillary hate???
Excellent assessment.


Apr 30, 2012
:dead: we all cool outside of HL
I'm cool with people inside of HL. It just used to be a few conservative trolls that we could roast. Now it's nikkas trolling from all political persuasions. shyt :mindblown:. There was some back to back of a Hillary supporter backing Citizens United and nikkas trying to blame gentrification on Hillary where I just said fukk it. :what:


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
I'm cool with people inside of HL. It just used to be a few conservative trolls that we could roast. Now it's nikkas trolling from all political persuasions. shyt :mindblown:. There was some back to back of a Hillary supporter backing Citizens United and nikkas trying to blame gentrification on Hillary where I just said fukk it. :what:
You merging threads and etc you mad bruh. Really, it's all good. I'm back to voting in my local and state elections anyway :yeshrug: Water under the bridge.