Y’all wanna hear a good clown story...?
I woke up at 4am today, I seen the Walmart in the Pullman district on the south side had “IN STOCK-6+”
I get there around 5am
the store already has at least 20 people waiting on both the grocery side doors and regular side doors.. Both lines keep getting longer and longer ..
Chicago pigs start walking up saying “almost that time”
7am hits they open both sides of the store..
it’s a mad rush to the electronics section which was the other side of the doors I was at & I’m running in timbs that we’re wet from some early morning rain
as I’m running past I hear a employee say “they running for them PS5s we don’t got

I slowed my pace up a bit after hearing that..
I make it to the back to hear 3 employees saying “WE DONT HAVE ANY PS5’s !!”