My bad, I thought you were trying to pick it up right now.I'm talking about picking up on the launch date, the 12th. My cousin is getting a Series X and he said he was able to arrange for a pickup tomorrow from the Fedex facility.
Got Demon Souls and Spiderman on reserve. Gamestop said roll up at midnight for your PS5 and we got you.
Still waiting on Best Buy to change from in progress to shipped.
Walmart picked up is confirmed.
Digital from the source is confirmed for pick up.
They reaching out to confirm pickups?
I need more PS5s
He said he got the media remote and extra controller but that came already.
I told him to check the weight of the package on FedEx I need proof lol
scalpers might temporarily drop prices on thurs. since stores will be selling some online but after that they’ll go right back up again
I'm in Canada so I don't know how they doing it for y'all in the states but they called me and let me know what time I can pick it up (10:00 am).
Customer service has been on point from them. They told me about your order not being processed by today, you won't be getting one for launch. Sure enough, brehs on here and reddit have the email regarding the shortage.
Good luck brehs