Grand Conde
So what we got brehs...
- No Man's Sky
- Persona 5
- Until Dawn
- Tearaway
- Firewatch
- Journey
- Killing Floor 2
- The Witness
- Uncharted 4
- Devil's Gambit
- Ratchet & Clank
- Disgaea 5
- World of Final Fantasy
- Everybody's Gone To Rapture
- Gran Turismo 7
- Rime
- Shadow Of The Beast
- Star Ocean
- Street Fighter 5
- Dragon's Dogma Online
- Drawn To Death
- The Last Guardian
- Horizon
- FF7 Remake
- Shenmue 3
All in all not bad and more to come.
- Level 5's JRPG
- Other first party shyt, maybe others can fill us in on what other studios out there are making that hasn't been announced yet?
Ratchet and clank is out within the next few weeks
God of War for that 2017 e3
So what we got brehs...
- No Man's Sky
- Persona 5
- Until Dawn
- Tearaway
- Firewatch
- Journey
- Killing Floor 2
- The Witness
- Uncharted 4
- Devil's Gambit
- Ratchet & Clank
- Disgaea 5
- World of Final Fantasy
- Everybody's Gone To Rapture
- Gran Turismo 7
- Rime
- Shadow Of The Beast
- Star Ocean
- Street Fighter 5
- Dragon's Dogma Online
- Drawn To Death
- The Last Guardian
- Horizon
- FF7 Remake
- Shenmue 3
All in all not bad and more to come.
- Level 5's JRPG
- Other first party shyt, maybe others can fill us in on what other studios out there are making that hasn't been announced yet?
They haven't breh, not yet. They were supposed to announce something at E3.