no it shouldn't....the price to rent something for hours shouldn't cost the same to rent it for week(s) or a month...just like it shouldnt be the same price for renting a newer title vs an older title....
here you go
no it shouldn't....the price to rent something for hours shouldn't cost the same to rent it for week(s) or a month...just like it shouldnt be the same price for renting a newer title vs an older title....
It's not that hard. But here's a page full of tutorials on Youtube. music into Sharefactory
here you goagain, even though its generally agreed the prices are too high. sony would make more money with a flat rate fee over the current model. i know i'd be willing to pay up to 99.99 monthly for unlimited use.
told you before: i don't do that, i just state my opinion....anyway, it's generally agreed by whom the prices are too high? at willing to pay up to $100/month...that's dumb as hell....seriously, you realize that makes no sense right? why would you or anyone be willing to pay up to $100 a month to have access to all the games, even though you/they probably not gonna play that many games a month?....why not just rent the games you know you will play and pay $3-$8 bucks for a hours/week?'d actually save more money that way...
Are your clips ending up being like 15 minutes because the music is looping? Or are you talking about not being able to add music period?Look young I've tried that shyt isn't working for me fukk it
I'm tired of trying the shyt never comes out right.
How do I cut and delete a clip yet the whole video is still there
Every tutorial I've seen that shyt goes away mine is still on the screen. I have no clue what im doing wrong so I give up.
Are your clips ending up being like 15 minutes because the music is looping? Or are you talking about not being able to add music period?
why do you keep bringing up 3 dollars like anyone is going to use that option? 2.99 for 4 hours worth of gaming, who does that? a game like Last of us, Uncharted 2 or MSG4 has about a 1 hr intro.
i'd rather have access to the entire catalog for a flat fee, and i know i'm not the only one
I'm sure you not the only one, but that doesn't change the fact a flat fee isn't smart business nor consumer wise....charging a monthly fee up to $100 is gonna turn more off than on...the people this service is aimed at would be willing to rent by the game instead of paying a monthly fee....they not gonna be gaming like that, and that would be seen as a waste of money....but they'd be willing to spend up to $10 here/there to play what they want, when they want.....also: yea, yall saying yall want a flat fee now, but if they set a fee and it was deemed too high, yall would complain and not support it then either....that's why yall come off entitled, spoiled, and full of shyt....
this is all speculation and i bet sony lowers the prices. people wont entertain this shyt on their ps4 when most of us still have our ps3s
so you're saying Netflix doesn't make sense?no it shouldn't....the price to rent something for hours shouldn't cost the same to rent it for week(s) or a month...just like it shouldnt be the same price for renting a newer title vs an older title....
it doesn't make sense for a flat I said above: to rent something for hours shouldn't cost the same to rent it for week(s) or a month...add on the fact that you get to stream the game instantly to a phone, tablet, tv, etc. and don't need a console makes $3-$30 bucks worth it.....
also, it's not sony that's setting the catalogue....I'm sure they'll open up access to all the games they developed/produced, but 3rd party games they have no say over...that's up to those addition to what games are available: it's not sony that's setting the price for the games, it's the devs....I'm sure sony set the range ($3 - $30), but the price in that range for a game is set by the devs of said game....
....those complaining about this come off as entitled and spoiled more than anything...the main reason: the service is optional, you don't have to use it (I know I rarely will, I buy all the games I want to play)....seriously, this isn't aimed at you so called 'hard core' gamers...this is aimed at casual gamers...the ones that buy a system, but only cop a couple big titles here and there's aimed at social gamers that play on phones and tablets, playing shyt like Farmville, candy crush, just offering the option to play a real video game instead of those type of games...yea, it's a money grab, but I'm cool with it cause those muthafukkas willing to spend money on this...and ultimately that's why sony in business....and again: it's optional, if you don't want to use it, you don't have to.....but yall complaining muthafukkas feel like it's yall right to have it structured around yall and that $3-$30 is too much money...get the fukk outta here...
so you're saying Netflix doesn't make sense?
all these successful streaming companies don't make sense?
a casual would "rent" a game for 29.99????? so they're just looking to dupe casuals huh. tell a casual gamer he can get the same game for the same price and OWN it. he gonna be like "nah im good, i'll rent it for more"
@lutha still coping pleas for corporations, heres some morelooked at the vid: he sounds like he's entitled....'renting a game for 90 days for $30 when I could easily go buy it for $20 doesnt make sense' that case: go buy it then and shut the fukk up....oh, what's that? you don't want to buy it? then rent it and shut the fukk up....also, he tried to loop ps now prices in with video games going digitally only, which is bullshyt.....i mean, he goes off on a tangent about having the ability to buy/trade games, which has nothing to do with the price of renting games...cause no one is talking about buying these games, we're talking about I'm not giving up 'my right to buy/trade' as he states, since I wouldn't actually own the games....
read the article: he sounds like he's entitled...'we should be able to have access to all the games for as little as $10-$15'...get the fukk outta here....people already bytch about paying for live/psn, you really think they gonna want to add to that fee to play old games they might not even play?....yea, ok....also, he doesn't like the rental plan cause it's not the the 'in' service right now...'it seems oddly dated and back-wards thinking' paying a monthly fee for access to games you might not play, instead of just paying for what you are playing is forward thinking? lol ok...
there are 2 things the dude in the article, the dude in the video, you, and others are missing:
1 - this shyt aint aimed at yall...the people that play games like that, that go out and buy games regularly, that have backlogs, etc....this is for people that don't do those things....the people that just wanna play a game for a lil bit to kill time here and there...not to master the game, get all the trophies/achievements, top the leaderboards, etc....
2 - sony doesn't set the price for the games, the devs probably set the price range ($3-30), but the prices for the rental periods and the games themselves are set by the probably does this so they can get as many games in the service as they can...if they had dirt cheap prices for access to a shytload of games, devs might feel it's not worth their time/effort to make games available....which would lead to yall bytching about lack of games....