Look, your a :3cept:
So you tell me. Liquid is a known 3cept/PC head. Hates Xbox.
So imagine if you was him. And you had access to a PS4 and XB1. He clearly said he spent time with the XB1 and it wasn't bad. This is after he spent a full year shytting on everything Xbox.
he couldn't deny what is bruh. While the PS4 was just LYING around

El Oh El sold his PS4 because it was underwhelming for him
There is no reach, the XB1 is just the more fascinating system. Thats a full blown fact, everyone knows this, has said this much. But when its discussed, you seem. Well, :ufury:
The only REACH is you downplaying what he and everyone else who has played and/or reviewed the system has said. Sorry if the truth upsets your lil fanboy created universe