I think I may need to ask one of the BK Boys to add a flattop on top of my username

I wanted to finish the KZ campaign before hopping online so the controls would be second nature for me. I died at least 5 times in the 2nd chapter alone - that fukking owl was getting me worked.
I'd point it towards an enemy to attack, it'll go out there and spray a couple of times before getting clapped up and damaged. I call the shyt back and I hear the Helghast say "HOSTILE SPOTTED ON THE LEDGE." I try throwing up that bullshyt shield to get them off my ass for a bit. They'd just run around it and start shooting me in the back
- the A.I is quite impressive in this game.
I played Resogun for a little and I don't even want to imagine how many quarters I would've lost if this game was in the arcade back in the day

Just fired up 2K, watch the intro, and saw Rose & immediately turn it off. Game looks too real for me at the moment
