when struggle season is in....nikkaz making up shyt to make themselves feel better.
mufukkaz acting like the PS1, 2, and 3 didn't always deliver on exclusives.
Have you ever played online shooters on consoles? Thank you xbox for showing us the way

KOTOR, FABLE, Forza, Halo, Gears, Brute Force, Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark, Banjo K, Kinect Sports, Crimson Skies, And moving forward Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5, Titanfall, Spark, RYSE, Dead Rising 3, Forza 5
Every game you remember from previous gens went multiplat, you have a handful of overhyped exclusives now.
Killzones, Resistance, Mag, Socom, Unpolished flopped last time out.
Like, if you have such a large pedigree of games, how come you don't have shyt now or in the near future?
Baseball and infamous for the entire 2014? Struggle gaming