The Official Playstation 4 Thread - News and Info


May 1, 2012
people are really doubting GAMES on the PlayStation? This is going to be uglier than the 360 vs the PS3

when struggle season is in....nikkaz making up shyt to make themselves feel better.

mufukkaz acting like the PS1, 2, and 3 didn't always deliver on exclusives.


In Search Of...
May 5, 2012
New system update is available... 300mb in less than 30 seconds...either PSN has improved or my connection is the shyt.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Uh, yeah I do. Relax breh I'm not a console stan fagot if I ain't feeling something I ain't feeling it.
Yeah, that didn't explain why the level design in your opinion is trash.

There's a lot of things you can not like about Killzone, but level and map design is the one area that they thrive in.

Guerrilla Games is a master of map design, and Killzone: Shadow Fall maintains the series' high bar. The Remains map recalls Killzone 2's finest online moments. Crumbling buildings and massive blast holes disrupt your line of sight and keep you looking up and down as well as all around, listening for the telltale footsteps and rat-a-tat-tats that betray nearby soldiers. Combatants weave through corridors and converge in the courtyards and open streets that shape the most frenzied battles.

Penthouse is another treasure among the 10 maps, featuring a rotating core that causes its four entryways to open and close, bringing an extra tactical concern to the firefight. An attempt to be clever and wait for one entrance to become accessible could end with a knife in your back when the entrance behind you clears instead. Players taking alternate routes are guaranteed to clash as they circle the surrounding hallways, and the victor in a surprise one-on-one encounter is typically the one who hits the trigger--or who pulls out a knife--first.

Fantastic multiplayer maps diversify the action

So yeah, you may not be a stan but you're wrong.


May 1, 2012
Yeah, that didn't explain why the level design in your opinion is trash.

There's a lot of things you can not like about Killzone, but level and map design is the one area that they thrive in.

So yeah, you may not be a stan but you're wrong.

I'm not into multiplayer shooters like that, I was mainly referring to the campaign.

Anyway if gamestop is really only giving 26 bucks for this shyt I'm gonna keep it and maybe give it another chance :manny:


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Sony's Video and Music Entertainment chief wants the PS4 to be your everything


The reviews are out, and the PlayStation 4 is, in fact, much of what we'd hoped it'd be: a fabulous gaming machine with a social personality. It has lived up to it's next-gen label, thus far. But there's another aspect to the PS4 that may prove to be equally as important to the console's long-term success against its main rival from Microsoft. I'm talking about video and music services.

Yes, the PS4 was very much designed as a gaming machine first, a point made clear by Shuhei Yoshida and reiterated to us when we recently spoke with Michael Aragon, Sony's VP and GM of Global Digital Video and Music services. That said, Aragon's job is to make Sony's gaming rig a video and music streamer, too, and he thinks that a key to giving Video Unlimited an advantage over its competitors is speed. Folks can get new releases (both movies and TV shows) earlier from VU than from, say Netflix or Amazon. Additionally, Aragon's fanatical about making his offering the fastest streaming experience possible. "I want it to be instantaneous," he said when asked about buffering times, and with that as the goal, he's constantly searching for ways to shave another second or two off of the load time -- including working with studios to get the rights to tweak the movie feeds for optimal streaming speed.

Another asset is Sony's forthcoming original video content that'll be produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment for PS4. Aragon couldn't give us any specifics about the shows in production, but he did explain how his team is approaching programming for the console. "We're going after 18-35 year old males hard core," he said. No surprise there, but how he finds out what those gaming dudes want to watch is more involved than you might think.

"I've built out my analytics team," says Aragon, "so what we do, especially on the PS4, is we pull a whole bunch of data and we run regressions on things to find out what characteristics and features resonate." It's not all based upon numbers, of course, as Aragon's relationship with the folks from Sony Pictures has grown into one of mutual trust and respect the point that show development is a collaborative effort. According to him, "we think about what things worked in the past, because we have five to six years of PS3 data to draw from, then we work with the studios to combine the math and the art."

And, what works can be surprising. Aragon's team also gets data from every Blu-ray that's been played in a PlayStation, and they found that Jillian Michaels ab workout was the third most played disc on PS3. Based on that information, a fitness section was created and displayed prominently on the PS3's video storefront. Proof that Sony is paying very close attention to what users watch on its consoles, and is hell-bent on giving its users what they want... to a point.

We asked Aragon if the originals, when they arrive, will be available on Video Unlimited or will be offered as a part of a separate service, and whether they'll be free to PS Plus members. Unfortunately, he couldn't say, as his team is still wrestling with the economics of this new content. Neither would he commit to providing every episode of original shows at once -- to best serve the binge-watching crowd. Instead, Aragon said "we'd probably do some sort of hybrid, so have some binge viewing, but portion it out some way to build momentum." Naturally, these plans are still being ironed out, so further details were nowhere to be found.

Video is, of course, only one half of Aragon's responsibility, the other half is music. We all know that the PS4 will, eventually, get MP3 and CD playback, and when asked why that function wasn't on the console at launch, Aragon echoed Yoshida's earlier statements about Sony prioritizing gaming features over all else. As for music options outside of Music Unlimited? Aragon's included in the decision making process about allowing competing services like Spotify and Rhapsody on PS4, but it's not solely his call -- the PlayStation device and business development teams have a say in the matter as well.

We get the impression that the business end, unsurprisingly, is steering the ship on the issue and that team favors music services proffered by Sony's retail partners over other Music Unlimited competitors. "Walmart and Amazon are key retail partners that are important to us," according to Aragon, "so you have to balance that with the fact that they have competitor services." As for other services, well, they would have to pony up a price high enough to outweigh the resulting cannibalization of Music Unlimited's user base in the eyes of business development. In other words, retailers with competing services seem to have a distinct edge over their service-exclusive counterparts at Sony's PS4 negotiating table. Aragon wouldn't foreclose the possibility of Spotify showing up on the console, of course, but it's safe to say we don't expect to see such an app any time soon.

What we can expect is for Music Unlimited to worm its way into more and more parts of the PS4 experience, gaming or otherwise, in the future. "My focus is on new business models and how to get our 22 million-song catalog to our customers in new ways," according to Aragon. "I want to be different from what's already out there and leverage our strengths." Whether Music Unlimited proves to be a strength or a pain point on the PS4 remains to be seen.


Jul 16, 2013
Xbox cancels out extra sound :manny:

What single player games on PS4? All I see is ryse as far as story mode type shyt...what If I want a fighting game like Killer instinct?....its not as simple as you say, just because PS4 has better hardware does not mean it is more for/about gaming.... gamers play games, and xbox has the best variety of them as of now. Its funny how sony says we are about games and nikkas just run with it, so far they havent showed much, but ima get out of this thread, let y'all enjoy y'all shyt :ninja1:

that's a cool feature...the music i'm talking about is on the ui of the ps4, it can be turned off...why wouldnt he turn it off and have it silent like he did xbox is all i'm asking...i figure, most people will turn it off if they gonna be chatting with folk

resogun and contrast are single player focused...besides those, there are no exclusive sp right now....but that leads to this question: are the games released the only games that's gonna be released for both systems?...dont answer that, i'm only asking cause people are acting like they are trying to win that bullshyt one upsmanship game i talk about (even you did it with the 'they say they about games but they havent shown much' remark)...anyway, people arent buying these systems just for right now, and going by past history, xbox has focused on mp (which i understand why) and ps has focused on sp (which i understand why)...and going by what's been announced by both about what's coming in the near future, they gonna continue that (infamous & uncharted for ps4; halo for xbox1)...which makes it as simple as i said it....talking only about games: if you like mostly playing games with a lot of people, you go with xbox1...if you like mostly playing games by yourself, go with ps4....

...and dont get it twisted: i'm not trying to get in yall console bullshyt cause some of yall take that shyt a lil too serious...i talk about the games...the same way i'm in here, i've been xbox related threads saying the same shyt defending the xbox1...i've shared my experience with the xbox1 cause i've tried the thing out...which by the way is more than alot of the ones defending it on some 'xbox is just better' shyt, but that's another topic...