I’m a absolutely sick to me stomach as a raider fan. It’s like I care more then the team. I watch these clowns for three weeks in a row come out with no killer instinct, no pride, no fight.
I traveled 3,000 miles to see them just completely let the jets dominate them. Jamal Adams was celebrating when he cracked hunter and I’m like bruh I care more then the team. He was classless and I’m like someone just send a message but nope.
How many years where we have a big game and we just come out flat no passion nothing! I love D.C as a human but as a player I need more for 125! I get it we got injuries no ab no Jacobs but damn either do the Steelers. The Steelers have a back up rb, 3rd string qb, no A.B and are going to the playoffs.
im sick of hearing we rebuilding future looks bright. You have a short window I’m the nfl with free agency, the future was bright with Carr, Gabe, Cooper, and Mack. We had one 12-4 season and blew the whole thing up! To start over.
We need swag, we have no swag in defense! No swag on offense! We have no dawgs! Abrams I think has it put he only played 3 quarters. We need to draft nothing but defense and throw money at defense at two w.r! Gabe Jackson needs to go, is Carr the answer I don’t know. We get off Carr what’s the upgrade? Bridgewater? Cam? Jamies? Marcus? No not really. We need some damn playmakers!
Give the de from Jacksonville the bag, maybe even see if we can sign Peters, our corners are trash! We need to also try to get sanders if the 49ers let him walk.
We all know jay gruden will be on the staff next year we also need to try get river ron as d.c Paul Gunther needs to be fired in the morning! I was hoping the jets lost some more games and we can get Greg Willams. Any one know if Rex wanna job as d.c. RANT OVER