Decent return to form for the NXT weekly show I thought, but this isn't anywhere near their best cycle right now. Lots of people in no-mans-land... lots of people not quite ready for their big break. Which is probably how NXT
should feel tbh.
Eva Marie is still a certified heat magnet - I'm assuming this will end in an Asuka/Nia match... is Nia the next women's champion? I can't really see anyone else stepping up at this point - Liv's not there yet, Emma's gone to Raw, Dana's not there yet (still injured anyway?)... who else is any sort of threat to Asuka at the moment apart from Bayley on the rematch clause (which I assume Asuka will win to allow Bayley to move up)?
Aliyah's the only one on the show who can just fukk off right now. Carmella's getting better, but I don't really see her as much more than a valet that occasionally wrestles at this point. Liv should be getting both their screen time to get that dinky powerbomb poppin'. She might yet turn into one of the cutest things on TV.
Blake and Murphy and the Hype Bros - I don't fully get either of these teams

Blake & Murphy need to become the first dedicated male valets for a female wrestler.
The Drifter is growing on me.
Swagsuke is that dude.
"Shut up, Tom" is the best commentator catchphrase since "Will you stop..." from Gorilla.