American Alpha vs Murphy & Bad Ass Billy Blake/HB-Fake was another great performance form Jordan & Gable. Murphy is growing on me, he actually shows some intensity and is the better of the two IMO.
Crews vs Cesaro's bland younger brother was ok.
I guess we can look forward to more sneak attacks, and beatdowns in the parking lot caught on security and cell phones in the future. First Brock and now D&D jumping Enzo.
Ciampa vs Bull was a good sendoff for Bullfit.
2 out of 3 Falls for Joe vs Sami

Let's see what kind of dumbass finish they come up with for that one. Probably they each win one and the last is a draw, or the first two are draws and the last one decides it.
It just occurred to me that Roman is the male version of Eva on the main roster. Difference being he can wrestle but they get the same reaction at the moment.
Nia almost knocked her ass off the apron like