We Are NXT!
cacs went from chanting overrated to undefeated, I hate full sail
It was dueling chants, Bianca's haters were chanting overrated.
cacs went from chanting overrated to undefeated, I hate full sail
my bad I meant to say, from chanting overrated to "this is awesome"It was dueling chants, Bianca's haters were chanting overrated.
Isnt she already a heel?If she beats Bazsler she's prolly turning heel. Seems like a tweener anyway.
Isnt she already a heel?or are they still on that cocky face shyt with her?
Bazsler is the top heel and they rarely do heel vs heel matches unless its like the 4-way they had a few weeks ago.
If she beats Bazsler she's prolly turning heel. Seems like a tweener anyway.
Isnt she already a heel?or are they still on that cocky face shyt with her?
Yeah Bianca currently is a tweener. She's in Velveteen Dream's shoes from last year. Turning heel to face due to crowd reactions. She will definitely be cheered at Takeover.
how is she a heel or a tweener when literally all her feuds and matches the past year have been against heels? she just came off a feud with Nikki Cross who was heelin it up hard as hell with that Aleister shyt
she's definitely a face just a cocky ass face like Sasha in 2016
how is she a heel or a tweener when literally all her feuds and matches the past year have been against heels? she just came off a feud with Nikki Cross who was heelin it up hard as hell with that Aleister shyt
she's definitely a face just a cocky ass face like Sasha in 2016
It’s weird that Shayna Bazler hasn’t even threatened or pulled up on Bianca yet.
I think they gonna have Shayna squash her OR maybe Bianca gonna squash Shayna