Just got home from the show here.
The building they held it in was trash, there were no seat numbers or any markings for your row. The ushers if you wanna call them that were all teenagers but everyone figured it all out. On to the show.
They opened up with Enzo & Cass vs Dash & Dawson. Crowd was hype as fukk for Enzo & Cass, seeing their pop live is

Dash and Dawson won the match.
Next up was Carmella vs Alexa Bliss. Match was nothing special but Mella won the match but Alexa is

even more so in person. These black dudes in the row behind couldn't stop complimenting her little bubble.
Bull Dempsey vs Elias Sampson was another real quick match. Sampson's theme goes hard live but I think they used it on the wrong guy.
Bayley vs Nia Jax for Women's title was next, they had a better match than the one at Takeover IMO. Bayley is insanely over with little kids on up to grown ass men. It was crazy seeing so many dudes rockin her I'm A Hugger shirt. She won after hitting the Bayley to belly.
After intermission was the MOTN Zayn vs Ciampa tore the house down. Both guys brought their A game, I don't know if they have him signed or not but somebody needs to give Ciampa a long term deal. He's a beast.
Next up was TSC's favorite diva Eva Marie vs Peyton Royce. She had nuclear heat with the crowd but the match was a lot better than I expected. Eva did pretty good but at this point it doesn't matter if she improves because people already mad up their minds about her.
Main Event was a Triple Threat between Balor, Corbin and Crews for the NXT title. Balor got Bullet Club chants and he came out doing the gun pose. It was crazy match, Corbin at one point was "knocked out" on the outside for what seemed like forever. They all got in offense and the match ended with Balor hitting his finisher on Corbin while he was trying to pin Crews.
After the match he brought out Bayley who was wearing a Balor Club shirt and they did the too sweet sign. They brought in some little jimmy's from the crowd and it was one of the kid's birthdays, so we all sang the kid Happy Birthday.
A funny moment when the NXT announcer chick was interviewing people from the crowd, she asked a kid who his favorite wrestlers was. Shorty was probably 4 or 5 and of course said Cena. Well Chicago being Chicago, they started booing the kid mercilessly
All in all it was a great show. Sometimes I thought I was at Full Sail with all the ridiculous chants they'd start. The crowd was pretty much neckbeard heavy with a few casuals and your regular chill type fans like myself. I hope when they come back they choose to run at a different venue. With the combined crowds of both shows they could've filled Allstate Arena.