Roode out here looking like Triple H little cousin.
Like HHH & Rick Rude did the fusion danceRoode out here looking like Triple H little cousin.
Worth noting that this week's show was A+. Itami is back and they brought Maluta in to catch some striking shade.
Monster Joe tore down Mojo and some other PC homeboy (who by the way looked stacked) before spitting hot fiyah into the camera about how he's coming for King Swagsuke
Asuka seemed to go full heel with that poppin' up a chair for Bayley to take a ringside seat move. That shyt was marvelously done.
Roode came out GLORIOUSlike he about to take centre stage of a 4 Horsemen / Evolution movement. For real they should saddle him with a heel crew and just launch him into a top program.
Main event had a fukking DDT finish. Scott Dawson is basically the best professional wrestler in the WWE Universe. His schtick game is godly. #TopGuys
Imma need them to give that running knee an official finisher name. I hate that its simply called the running knee.
I have no idea who wins shinsuke vs. joe, could go either way and both could be on the main roster right now. If nakamura wins, I can see roode being his next feud tho