I'm confused. Isn't Jessica Jones Luke Cage's girl? What's with these other love interests?
This a serious question? Just because a comic book character has a Main Love Interest that he eventually ends up with, doesn't mean he doesn't have other love interests.
Peter Parker/Spider-Man has several love interests in the comics other than Mary Jane, for example. On "Arrow", Oliver has multiple love interests other than Laurel.
Luke Cage had a few major love interests before Jessica Jones:
Reva Connors
Luke and Reva were an item but his best friend Willis Stryker wanted Reva for himself so he set Luke up and moved in one her while Luke was in prison.
Claire Temple
Dr. Claire Temple (who happens to be the ex-wife of black Giant Man, Bill Foster) started dating Luke after she tended to some injuries he incurred. They broke up because she couldn't handle his dangerous lifestyle.
Harmony Young
Harmony was a rich socialite and fashion model who Cage dated for the majority of the run of the Power Man & Iron FIst comic. She was also Misty Knight's roommate. They broke up when Luke went underground after he was accused of killing Iron Fist.
My bad homie. Have never read the comics. My understanding was Jessica Jones was Luke Cage's wifey. Didn't know he was in a bunch of cookie jars.
shyt... didnt he have a seed with She-Hulk? i may be mistaken
if so my bad
Well Luke Cage debuted in 1972. Jessica Jones wasn't created until 2001. So yeah, he's had other love interests in the comics.