We’ve seen the Jon Jones story play out before and it’s sad watching play out again it in real time knowing how this ends.
Dude is gonna have a really rough go at it post fighting because his identity is so tied to “being Jon Jones”
when you’re no longer in the spotlight and you’re no longer the man if you don’t have something else to wrap your identity and purpose around
that’s how you end up on all the drugs etc. .. that road has claimed so many lives it’s not funny, its not captivating, it’s not even annoying, it’s just sad.
I mean asking the cops to take the cuffs off to fight them all, while being the literal embodiment of the “big scary black guy who made me fear for my life” that seems to get their trigger fingers itchy shows an overall lack of self awareness/sociopath mindset.
I’m gonna always root for a fellow black man to pull the nose up and avoid the crash
as I think everyone even the lowest of low should be afforded a path to redemption but damn man, shyt doesn’t look good.