Gaethje showed improved patience against Tony. He got in trouble with Dustin and Eddie because he went toe to toe. Eddie’s always been chinny, and Cowboy has been shot for awhile.
It's easy to show patience against Tony. Tony isn't da striker Connor is not poirer. And to tell the truth I jus saw Justin standing in middle and banging and Tony with a weaker stand up game absorbing shots.
The real problem is look at the flip side, u had a game Tony basically just walking into Justin's shots. No real take down attempts to big kicks, didn't try any clinch work. Just stand walk into fist reset walk into fist reset. Do u think khabib or cknor are going to be that basic wit their games and strategies?
I'm afraid khabib gonna duck under take em down and it'll be over before it starts jus like the rest. I don't see Justin doin nething from bottom on khabib.
Funny thing is the best type of guy to face a khabib is sum1 with a strong bottom game bjj it wld be interesting. Even Al if had a full camp I'd rather watch vs khabib again than Justin.