Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
every so often there are times when I wonder if the current funk is the new normal then a card, new signee/fighter or division piques my interest. Not this time, there seems to be a malaise across the board. Seeing some real bad quality MMA with each org, It's like do these dudes even have conditioning coaches.MMA hasn't been as exciting lately. Don't know it just feels like there was a lot more going on this time last year.
One of my biggest gripes though is the stagnation, ppl are winning titles then going radio silent. Everyone is either complaining, calling someone out, talking about jumping divisions, injured or just not defending.
Stipe won the title almost 1 year ago, only 1 defense, complaining about money. Cormier won almost 2 years ago 1 defense. Bisbing won last June has not/Will not defend against a legit contender till who knows. Conor essentially has free reign to halt the LW and FW division. Garbrandnt won the title and has just opted to get tats
There is just no progression in almost all divisions, makes the consumer feel