That pu$$y got me grinning
Not surprised. All WWE nikkas are juiced up
UFC probably knew of this before the fight and could've pulled Brock out but then UFC 200 would've tanked big time
I have a feeling USADA did zuffa a solid, kind of like how they sat on Jones's results and let 182 happen then reveled Jon was flagged after the receipts were due. Here they were caught in a bind and probably gave zuffa the choice on who to sacrifice at the altar (given Brock is why everyone turned up) the choice to go with Jones was a no brainer. Now we hear this? Nah that ain't no coincidence
It's all kinds of wrong but it's right, I knew brock's nimbleness couldn't have been just about the fact he wasn't sick of diverticulitis anymore. I am sure a lot cats were inspired by his and Anderson's comeback and then this news? It breaks hearts. There is not enough money in MMA for drug testing to be this efficient, damnHow does a niche league like the UFC have a lot more strict testing than the major sports leagues?If anything, they should let UFC fighters take PEDs to make up for the lack of elite athletes in the sport.
Jose safe?
What time is bellator today?
That's why boxing will always be respected. boxers go through hell and give their life to the sport. Dudes go from gym wars to local gym wars to competitions to amateurs to Olympic tryouts then Olympics then Pro. Only a few weeks able to skip a step or two and you can tell the difference once they get in the ring. Boxing is a discipline but MMA is something they used to teach as self defense mostly. Now all those white boys think they can just roll on a mat, juice up and get a few tattoos so they can look bad ass. Naaaah.
MMA wil never see boxing. Never. Not even when and if boxing is dead.
I also belive Rousey also juiced up for quite a bit too. Even my babygirl Holly look funny with those cartoon traps and arms.
I wanna see what Sherdoggers will say when their idols found out to be dirty
How does a niche league like the UFC have a lot more strict testing than the major sports leagues?If anything, they should let UFC fighters take PEDs to make up for the lack of elite athletes in the sport.
MVP tooLima/DaleyPage and Mitrione also fighting.