And thats a word you seemingly don't understand. Because their are no facts in this. I can post up Connor's video and then what? You don't agree so its no point. But your insistent on engaging me and saying everything I post is wrong like you have indisputable proof of fact is pathetic. And then you are trying to argue with me over the actual matchup when no one even mentioned it. Guess what? I agree with you in that Diaz is bigger and will give Connor trouble. I said it last sat so look it up since we know you love to do that. Now go ahead and play victim and claim I am slandering you some more
Yes , but opinions should at least have logic to them otherwise they're more so faith. I think you missed my point on Conor-Diaz talking mess, both are engaging they just offer different elements - one sensational for the media and one sincere w/ lack of vocabulary to adequately express one's self.
I have brought up times in the past in which your logic lacked, tech details about stuff, such as looping punches of Cain, accusations about Cowboy, etc.
My contention is not about the trash talk in this instance, just that McGregor is miles better at it than Nathan.