Logic is cool...but for now just put it aside and focus on MAschine.I've had it for a minute and just opened it the day before yesterday...
It took awhile to set up software because it kept crashing on startup so after that I just let it sit.
I've never worked this.. I've used MPC and Akai but my homie used maschine and I'm looking to get back into making beats.
I normally use Logic Pro as my DAW but I want to learn maschine first, so I've been looking at tutorials and even the basics seem like a lot (switching from groups, scenes, patterns, etc.
It seems simple and yet complicated if you never used maschine before, so I'm in the beginner stage of just using the hardware/DAW. Once I understand all it can do then creating songs is the easy stuff.
What would be some beginner hardware tips? That would be great.
Cool thing about Maschine is that it is a standalone software but can also be opened up as a VST(inside logic for example)
First thing you shoulkd do is just open up one of the premade tracks that comes with it.
they are more than likely garbage but you get to see how they lay out their songs.
just scroll around and see how things are laid out
now delete it and start a new song
(i'm at work so if its not 100% accurate bare with me)
go to groups, and open up kits, then grab an urban drum kit...pick any doesn't matter.
first thing you want to learn is just how to lay out a drum track, a simple four bar drum loop.
you can edit the drums that are in there and switch em out later but just for now use the ones that came with it just to learn it.
remember, just focus on one pattern. Easiest thing s to create a 2 bar loop then on the maschine go pattern and it "double" onth emaschine screen to make four bars double again to make 8 bars, etc
so you have group A - Name it OTIS Drums if you want
open up a new group
then scroll through instruments and go to Bass
then find a bass sound you like.
or just open Massive and assign it in group 2 sound 1
etc etc
keep doing that going through sounds you want.
best thing to do is just know what each thing does
a pattern is for one group and you can create multiple patterns for that group and change them by holding pattern buttoin and hitting the corresponding pad
a scene is a collection of patterns across all the groups. I use scenes broken up like "Intro", "hook", "verse", "outro",etc for example so its easy to see
keep everything named properly and it will be easier to navigate.
shyt...this is getting long winded. anything more specific lol?