F-Major explains slicing with Maschine - YouTube
I track Maschine intro Pro Tools, and have tried it with Studio One 2. But I haven't tried it with FL Studio.
Yo how u track it in studio one?
F-Major explains slicing with Maschine - YouTube
I track Maschine intro Pro Tools, and have tried it with Studio One 2. But I haven't tried it with FL Studio.
Did the forum go back in time?
I've been using the imashine today and it's kinda kool, can't do a whole bunch of stuff I wanted it to do but it's good and fun for the travels
What can't you do? You can do almost everything a MPC and MV8800 can do.
You guys got a new edition to the family.
i made a quick beat on the 140 tempo but the kicks sounded a little slow, like it was done on 80bpm, i dunno if its just me with how i make beats.
Dumb question, stand alone or as a plugin
It's been a couple months... so how are you liking Maschine?