Street level:
DC Comics: Huntress, Wildcat, Catwoman, Green Arrow, Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Tim Darke, Nightwing, Damian Wayne, Question, Speedy, Arsenal, Bane, Ra's al Ghul, Plunder, Murmur, Batgirl, Captain Cold, Heat Wave, Talia al Ghul, Captain Boomerang I, Cheshire, Ragdoll I & II, Deadshot
Scandal Savage, Catman, Mister Terrible, Black Canary, Katana, Red Hood, Deathstroke, Ravager, Harley Quinn, The Joker, Lady Shiva, Cassandra Cain, Red Arrow, Prometheus, Owlman, Hush, Richard Dragon, Batwoman, Bronze Tiger, David Cain, Mr Freeze, Hawkgirl, Batwing,
Marvel comics: Elektra, Black Panther, Captain America, Iron Fist, Daredevil, Crossbones, Bullseye, Red Skull, Kingpin, Baron Zemo, Black Cat, Nick Fury, Mystique, Nightcrawler, Winter Soldier, Shang-Chi, Punisher, Moon Knight, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Paladin, Silver Stable, White Tiger, Ben Reilly, Deadpool, Wolverine, X-23, Gambit, Cyclops, Kamala Khan, Moon Knight, Spider Woman, Julia Carpenter, Psylocke, Maria Hill, Blade, Ronin, Sabertooth, Miles Morales, Shadow Cat, Cloak, Dagger, Misty Knight, Falcon,
Mid Tier:
DC: Aquaman, Cyborg, Static Shock, Wonder Girl, Superboy, Donna Troy, Vixen, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, Hawkman, Karate Kid, Captain Marvel Jr, Ocean Master, Metallo, Kid Flash, Blue Beetle (Reyes), Blue Devil, Mera, Aqualad, Booster Gold, Terra, Fire, Ice, Steel, Artemis, Atom Stranger, Bombshell, Nightshade, Stargirl, Plastic Man
Marvel: Storm, She-Hulk, Lyra, The Thing, Jonny Storm, Dr. Doom, Jean Grey (no phoenix), Ms. Marvel, Gamora, Emma Frost, Namor, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic, Mr. Sinister, Quicksilver, Hank Pym, Electro, Carnage, Venom, Namorita, Mandarin, War Machine, Iron Man, Thunda, Tigra, Valkyrie. Sif, Molly Hayes, Havok, Wonder Man, Colossus, Rogue, Atumma, Living Laser, Angel,
High Tier:
DC: Wally West, Barry Allen, Martian Manhunter, Superman, Black Adam, Wonder Woman, Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, Captain Atom, Supergirl, Power Girl, Bizzaro, Etrigan, Mon-El, Sinestro, Firestorm, Swamp Thing, Zoom, Cheetah, Mr. Majestic, Swamp Thing, Infinity Man, Lobo, Big Barda, Maxima, Zod, Imperiex probes, Mongul, Orion, Metamorpho, Waverider, Captain Comet, Isis, Kalibak, Forerunner, Zatanna, Manchester Black, Dr. Light, Mary Marvel, Miss Martian, Cyborg Superman, Jade, Amazo,
Marvel: Binary, Beta Ray Bill, Thor, Hulk, Sentry, Apoclypse, Silver Surfer, Terrax, Iceman, Adam Warlock, Quasar, Genisis-Vell, Red Hulk, The fallen one, Firelord, Juggernaut, Loki, Hyperion, Blue Marvel, Rachel Summers (with phoenix), Nate Grey, Sersi, Shaman, Stardust, Gladiator, Black Bolt, Cable, Kid Omega, Kurse, Ares, Magus, Absorbing Man, Nova (Frankie), Monica Rambeau (Pulsar), Graviton, Ghost Rider, Ronan the accuser, Hercules, Kang the conqueror, Magneto, Super Skrull, Enchantress, Witchfire (Demon Form), Captain Universe, Mr. M, Ultron

Here we go
Based on if all characters are bloodlusted, the characters only have their usual weaponry/armor/equipment, and they know how to use their ability to the maximum
Street Level: The ones with regenerative properties will be the last ones standing. Hawkgirl, Deadpool, Wolverine, Iron Fist, Gambit, and Sabretooth would be my picks for the last ones standing. From those I see Wolverine, Deadpool, and Gambit as the final three. As much as I like Gambit, I think
Wolverine wins.
Mid Tier: Last ones standing: Aquaman, Blue Beetle, Dr. Doom, Namor, Kid Flash, Quicksilver, Storm and Iron Man. Kid Flash and Quicksilver would speed blitz the majority of other characters. Blue Beetle I know can track Kid Flash, but idk if he could tag Quicksilver. Depending on that, Dr. Doom and Storm have a better chance. If Iron Man is in his Bleeding Edge armor

this could be a stomp. Last three would be Aquaman, Iron Man, and Namor. If Bleeding Edge, then
Iron Man.
High Tier: This one is really tough. Barry Allen, MMH, Superman, Black Adam, Lobo last people standing for DC. Beta Ray Bill, Hulk, Thor, Silver Surfer, Gladiator, Blue Marvel, and Rachel Summers.
Choosing from these is tough because some have the ability to manipulate matter

Plus, Sentry as The Void is GG for anyone so I'll exclude him. Juggs has the power of Cyttorak so that's unfair.
Top 3 for High Tier is Barry Allen, Blue Marvel, and Silver Surfer. I'll hesitantly choose
Blue Marvel as the winner.