Man, at this point the matches are just icing on the cake. I'm tuning in each week to see what the fukk is gonna happen behind the scenes. They set up a grand stage for next week
Pentagon coming back leveled up
Monster Vs Machine
Cuerno's latest catch may be his greatest Or worst
Justice league dethroned
And they still leave us with questions...
I got 21 theories on who the dude with the cigar in the limo is
Great episode. Two title changes. Cac posse doing heel shyt while still doing moves and doing all that damage while the ref was out is good wrestling! Taya still a hot-ugly broad. Cage!
He just called dude "The Transmitted Disease of the Temple, 'The Hit It and Quit It Unprotectetd' Joey Ryan" I cant
This mean we gonna get a Joey Ryan/Human Tornado feud?
This tornado DDT
Taya out here thinking she Anna Williams from Tekken.
King Cuerno done lost his damn mind! Plus he got stuffed cats screaming and antelopes growling nshyt in there!
Cage is fukking beastly.
a good Texano match a few weeks ago.... a good Chavo match this week. King Cuerno got screaming cats and growling deers. Plus Captain America is a Hydra Agent. The hell is going on in this world.
Cage vs Matanza NEXT WEEK
why they got Fenix laying like that!?
Why they busting out the air guitars!?
I swear.... Taya is the sexiest ugly broad I ever seen.
pretty good teamwork from these scumbags
That was a nice match. They heeled it up. They actually won.
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