Jack Evans doing his own announcement had me dying.
'This is how you do YOUR job!'
I also love how he does a lot of unnecessary flippy shyt to show off but it never works and he always wins with cheap tactics. Such an underrated heel character.
King Cuerno and Killshot is such a great team-up. Those dudes kicks and chops sound like they're firing guns indeed, word to Vampiro. lol @ him also threatening to take away Matt's notes after his umpteenth smark remark.
Dario Cueto's monologue was so fukking awesome. I love that character to death, he's such an enjoyable bad guy.
Meanwhile Catrina teleporting all over Pentagon Jr's steez.
@Mr. Negative might've been onto something pointing out that ol' timey picture of her in her office last week, because now I'm convinced she's some kind of immortal demon witch or something.
Epic match-up between Cage and Mundo. Love how Mundo pulls off the move of the night, then quickly goes in on some random kid in the crowd to make sure he retains that heel heat. Not familiar with this Taya chick but the way she slid into that corner full close-up of dat ass had me like

And I loved how Johnny sat in the ring like
'U mad?'