Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
Kinda expected all the match outcomes, but
@ Famous B getting the most heel heat out of anyone in pro wrestling right now.
Puma vs Rey is going to be lit, but Puma's new mask got me wondering if maybe he's gonna turn heel on the king and claim that crown the hard way.
Now we now why they've effectively kept Puma from speaking for like a full season and a half, dude's voice is soft is hell.
Puma vs Rey is going to be lit, but Puma's new mask got me wondering if maybe he's gonna turn heel on the king and claim that crown the hard way.

Puma needs some bass in his voice. DA Jr sounds like he is black and Puma sounds like a CAC
Now we now why they've effectively kept Puma from speaking for like a full season and a half, dude's voice is soft is hell.