Art Barr
Rewatched Aztec Warfare today and I can't believe I didn't realize before how blatantly they've been building Cage up for a Matanza match. Like it's obvious they eliminated him and Mil before Matanza's arrival so they can have them face him later on, but the first time I didn't get exactly how much they've built Cage back up. This whole feud with Johnny Mundo is just to bring the guy back to the level he was on when he first debuted in LU because that guy, The Machine, is a legitimate contender for Matanza.
Only thing I wish they had done differently with Matanza is that instead of having him move like Jason Voorhees/the Frankenstein monster, he should be storming around in the ring like an unhinged animal, like a grizzly bear of destruction. Like how it is with Brock Lesnar really, yeah Brock's strength is pretty scary but when you see Brock move, that's when he gets really scary because the guy has the speed of a jaguar. If Matanza moved like that in the ring it would be absolutely insane, and he probably could if they let him. The guy's nickname in the indies isn't Mr Athletic for no reason.
Cage is my favorite character on this show.
I hope he gets the title but real talk, I could see him never getting it and putting over talent.
Art Barr