Match for what? Dude is overrated. Lol@jason kid will tutor him, what u think this is Karate kid? U ol sensitive fakkit. Enjoy not making it to the playoffs or getting booted 1st round @again@
And toney Douglass breh. Gotta unload that cancer.We could do this Kidd S&T for no actual players, a la Odom last year, Steve Nash this year.
Give them dudes two 2nds and a mil...
i doubt td would ever see any time with lin and kid running things. im just happy we got rid of that fakkit landry, thank god!
So players can't learn from other players you racist bytch ? Why did Kobe and Lebron go train with Hakeem to learn post moves if you can't be tutored ? Admit you know nothing about bballWhy Houston trying to sign him if he's overrated no one saying he's the best pg only you knicks haters talking like we saying he's better than rondo or some shyt
Where did gather racisim out of my post? Also you dont need to know bbal to know the knicks havent won shyt. Haha
Karate Kid reference. Lin is going to get matched, JR and Novak will be re-signed, I dont know what is happening with Kidd but hopefully we get a S&T so we can bring in a Camby or a JJ Hickson.
Lin Kidd
JR (Summer league player) Shump
Melo NovakH
Amare Jorts Camby or Hickson
Chandler Jordan
Karate kid? That was in relation to somebody being taken under somebody wing n being taugh.Plus i remeber the student being american. The word CAC is thrown around all day but karate kid is racist?
I never agreed with him so no use in trying to try and justify it to me.
Randy Foye
OJ Mayo
or bring back J.R?