Respect to him for knocking all them down but seeing as how wiling he is to trick it takes a little luster off of it.Prime Esther
Prime Cyn Santana
Prime Kaylin
Nah Joe deserves respect.
People need to stop playing with him
Prime Esther
Prime Cyn Santana
Prime Kaylin
Nah Joe deserves respect.
People need to stop playing with him
U know who woulda tackled the lawsuit properly?
But again, Joe:
• Didn’t finish school
• believes he can just “disagree” with meanings of academic definitions
• uses movies as a reference to argue points
And thinks because he still achieved financial security.
Actual ppl with degrees in that field are his equal or below him, just because he’s more “entertaining” SMH.
Yea he comes off like the OG trick but guy's weren't getting called out for that back thenRespect to him for knocking all them down but seeing as how wiling he is to trick it takes a little luster off of it.
Nicca was broke thenRespect to him for knocking all them down but seeing as how wiling he is to trick it takes a little luster off of it.
He needs to start going to Starbucks too if he's just going to be moody, not answer the question and make snide remarks the whole time. Why even ask a question if don't actually want an answer?Joe killed every good conversation with his pointless banter this pod per usual..