Subscriber wise, I cant really say because my comparison to Flagrant was revenue wise. They use their patreons differently.Out of curiosity, how many Patreon subs do you think Joe has…or a range? Not talking revenue since that’s a shot in the dark anyway based on the subscription tiers n such. Not trying to prove a point…honestly asking.
I’d strongly doubt he’s bringing in as much as Flagrant 2 btw…bring objective (though it might sound like an oxymoron).
So much so, that I wouldn’t be shocked if the tour cancellation and/or poor sales performances is what’s made him suddenly get back on the podcast guest tour circuit to get the buzz going again - Math Hoffa, Ak on his and being a guest on Ak’s.
I found the timing random, especially since he loves reiterating how much he “hates talking to nikkas”.
F2 has 3 tiers($5, $10, $25), but content wise you get everything at $5. Other tiers are merch discounts and stuff. Which is why his average(22k) sub spends like $4.70-$5. F2 goes real hard on YT with content though.
JBP has 4 tiers ($5, $10, $25, $50) with content added each tier up to $25, with that tier being what you need to get all content. Joe goes hard on the patreon content.
Joe may have lower patreon subs than F2, but Im willing to bet his subs pay more per sub than F2. Joe's 10k subs could bring just as much revenue as F2's 20k.
Edit: Also I'm not arguing that Joe's popularity and shyt hasnt dropped. I agree the tour cancellation was a bad look. Im just saying all that doesnt matter for Joe to eat on Patreon.
Patreon is for hardcore fans of the pod/Budden anyway. I'm on patreon and idc to go see them live, and have never watched their YT vids, but he has my $25 monthly anyway. I would be worth 5 subs for F2.
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