prob munch if we going off the last podwhich IG chick was it tho lol
prob munch if we going off the last podwhich IG chick was it tho lol
What is Joe doing with his platform
This show is a recap of what’s posted on The shade room and now he’s criticizing them
EDIT: of course this nikka Mal thinks the hangings was suicide
did i hear it wrong or was Mal tryna shoot bail about the hangings in Cali by saying they could actually be suicides
Man it’s crazy to waste energy complaining about about a gossip page posting gossipShade room was catching a lot of flack for posting a bunch of irrelevant shyt. Check the comments on the irrelevant shyt they posted the last couple weeks. Baller alert been going super hard getting people out the paint.
I don’t think everyone has to be as active as baller alert but if you have a black platform you should be trying to speak on this as much as you can.
and for a music entertainment comedy podcast they have been doing a great job at covering what’s going on the last few weeks regardless if you agree or disagree with their opinions
did i hear it wrong or was Mal tryna shoot bail about the hangings in Cali by saying they could actually be suicides
Swagga Like Us is trash. Rory was right.
I hope John Legend knows that Slow Dance is his by far best song
Have you even heard Slow DanceWhat? Ordinary People foo
Nobody even knows Akon dropped a Spanish album in late 2019 called El Negreeto. No shame in that mans body
Hilary was not trash. Was not lesser of the 2 evils either. She was a much better candidate than Trump. She would not have given tax cuts to the wealthiest that didn’t need it. She wouldn’t have appointed Betsy Devos- do you retards understand the damage she’s implemented on colleges and public education?. She wouldn’t try to repeal Obamacare every chance she could like Trump. She wouldn’t have stripped all the key elements of Obamacare that make it affordable. She wouldn’t have Sided with the KKK. She would have handled Covid better than what we’re seeing now bc she believes in science and the CDC. She wouldn’t have rolled back any and all obama policies simply bc it came from Obama.
don’t be retarded.