They touched on some interesting and true things regarding the Doja conversation but didn't necessarily go far enough(I didn't really expect them to, tbh). They didn't want to name the colorism that's inherent in the business and Pop music as a whole.
Doja is placed in R&B because she is Black adjacent. Artists like her, Lizzo and a few other hybrids take from many different genres and mix it up in a big ole' jambalaya of a sound so they are inherently not pure R&B or Pure Rap/Hip Hop. White institutions don't give a shyt about Black musical traditions (outside of making money) so they don't care to keep true to the genre categories(this also keeps Black and Black adjacent folks out of the pop categories so white artists can continue to dominate).
So in short: Doja's poppy music and looks allows them to uplift over fully Black women making purer R&B than her but keeps her underneath white pop girls like Olivia or Taylor.