Hello friend

The things I want from a media center:
- Netflix and Hulu streams easily accessible
- Torrent Movies and ability to get shows and movies from HBO, Cinemax, Showtime etc. Basically ability to get premium cable channels that increase the cable bill
- Video games old school like the Nintendo family, Sega Genesis, PS1 and 2 classics. Ability to get my steam account on there also, this is not a huge priority though.
- Movies need to be able to stream and have some on the HD, all High Def and easy to get.
- Youtube access, not a HUGE deal breaker, but I would love that.
- Music need to be able to play all my music on there, and need to have the option of accessing streaming music sites and downloading music.
- Access to a web browser I would like to be able to browse the Internet on my TV, like hit up The-coli while on the couch. Dont know if this is an option
- The GUI needs to be customizable and easy to navigate.
- Remote control has to work for the build, dont want to control this only with a keyboard and mouse.
All of this has to run smoothly, I basically want to start with my media center, see how much I can get out of it, then consider getting cable if needed. If I get cable, I dont want to have to get anything but basic cable.
So what should I look at? Is building my own HTPC with XBMC the best way to do this or can a Raspberry pi, Apple TV, PS3, Xbox360 or Roku fulfill these demands?
Info I have now:
Give the Gift of a Home Theater PC with These Media Center Builds
Should I go with this build? or do something else?
How I Built the Media Center of My Dreams for Under $500
Create a Kickass, Seamless, Play-Everything Media Center: The Complete Guide
Raspberry Pi
Turn a Raspberry Pi Into an XBMC Media Center in Under 30 Minutes
I was considering making my own thread about this, but I think y'all will help me out in here