In my own league.
THIS?You leave Swaggie out of this. Since he's come back all beefy and hairy and --
THIS?You leave Swaggie out of this. Since he's come back all beefy and hairy and --
He aged better than some wrestlers.I was going to bring up Dean Malenko earlier ya'll.
I was going to bring up Dean Malenko earlier ya'll.
Naw. This
And also, this.
Lawrd. Too much booty meats.
Some men get better with age. Swaggie just had to grow into his face a little.
We all agree HBK is gay, right?
Who are your faves in this video, girls?
Put Orton's thighs under John Cena's ass and Wade Barrett's ~endowment in the mix, and the perfect man is right there.